Saturday, July 2, 2011

Hello friends, well here we are again, it's the fourth of July" Independence Day". What I would like to know is, how many of you are Independent ? I mean are we really independent and free, to make the right choices for unity? Or are we still divided by our government, republican or democrat? We have an independent party, but not really it's not working for us. We need a party to unite us as a people who really care about each other. I have a idea of what could work for" US", a new independent party. WE need all of us, as individuals to be independent, to make those choices to help us all. Not to be divided like we are now, and have been for a long, long time. I believe we can make a difference in all our lives, if we can change our mind set. If you would like to know more, visit my other blogs and let me know how you think about it. Thank you RD.

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